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101 Interesting Quotes By David Cameron

Famous As: Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Born On: 1966
Born In: Marylebone, London, England
Age: 57 Years
David Cameron is a celebrated British politician, who held the office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2016. He also served as the Leader of the Conservative Party. He also remained the Member of Parliament from 2001 to 2016 for Whitney. He has been affiliated with both socially liberal and economically liberal policies and identifies as One-Nation Conservative. He pursued his education at Brasenose College, Oxford, and Heatherdown School, Eton College. He has been accredited for remodelling the Conservative Party and also for bringing down the national deficit of the United Kingdom. Following is a corpus of sayings and quotes by David Cameron, which have been collected from his interviews, speeches, comments, thoughts, populace utterances, tweets and life. Read through the best zingers, thoughts and quotes by David Cameron.
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I've said I'll stand for a full second term, but I think after that it will be time for new leadership. Terms are like Shredded Wheat - two are wonderful but three might just be too many.

I've said I'll stand for a full second term, but I think after that it will be time for new leadership. Terms are like Shredded Wheat - two are wonderful but three might just be too many.

David Cameron
My fear is turnout. I think a lot of people might think: 'Well, in the end, it's the rational thing to stay, but I'll let other people make that choice for me.' Don't. This is very close, no doubt about it.

My fear is turnout. I think a lot of people might think: 'Well, in the end, it's the rational thing to stay, but I'll let other people make that choice for me.' Don't. This is very close, no doubt about it.

David Cameron
We are the reformers. Reform ends if we leave, not just for us but also our friends in Europe who want our voice heard in Europe.

We are the reformers. Reform ends if we leave, not just for us but also our friends in Europe who want our voice heard in Europe.

David Cameron
I think the country requires fresh leadership. I do not think I can be the captain to take the country to its next destination.

I think the country requires fresh leadership. I do not think I can be the captain to take the country to its next destination.

David Cameron
I will do everything I can in future to help this great country succeed.

I will do everything I can in future to help this great country succeed.

David Cameron
I love cooking; it's a very good way to get your mind off things.

I love cooking; it's a very good way to get your mind off things.

David Cameron
I believe in the family. I believe in marriage, and I think it's such a great institution. I think men should be able to marry each other, and women should be able to marry each other.

I believe in the family. I believe in marriage, and I think it's such a great institution. I think men should be able to marry each other, and women should be able to marry each other.

David Cameron
I went to a very posh school, I had a very privileged upbringing with parents who were incredibly loving and brilliant. I've never tried to hide that; I'm not going to change my accent or talk in a different way.

I went to a very posh school, I had a very privileged upbringing with parents who were incredibly loving and brilliant. I've never tried to hide that; I'm not going to change my accent or talk in a different way.

David Cameron
The best route out of poverty, to avoid food bank usage, is to make sure more people get a job.

The best route out of poverty, to avoid food bank usage, is to make sure more people get a job.

David Cameron
I have a very clear view, which is that if you disagree with the policies of Israel, fine, say so, but that is never a reason to take that out on Jewish communities.

I have a very clear view, which is that if you disagree with the policies of Israel, fine, say so, but that is never a reason to take that out on Jewish communities.

David Cameron
I would be heartbroken if I ever thought that people in the Jewish community thought that Britain was no longer a safe place for them.

I would be heartbroken if I ever thought that people in the Jewish community thought that Britain was no longer a safe place for them.

David Cameron
Terms are like shredded wheat - two are wonderful, but three might just be too many.

Terms are like shredded wheat - two are wonderful, but three might just be too many.

David Cameron
I am a very instinctive Conservative. I have created a welfare system where it pays to work. I have created independent schools within the state sector bringing excellence to children wherever they are.

I am a very instinctive Conservative. I have created a welfare system where it pays to work. I have created independent schools within the state sector bringing excellence to children wherever they are.

David Cameron
If you lose control of your debt and deficit, you get massive cuts in things such as health and education. You get appalling insecurity, jobs lost, firms going overseas.

If you lose control of your debt and deficit, you get massive cuts in things such as health and education. You get appalling insecurity, jobs lost, firms going overseas.

David Cameron
I'm a simple small 'c' conservative who believes in public service, serving others, and doing a good job for my country.

I'm a simple small 'c' conservative who believes in public service, serving others, and doing a good job for my country.

David Cameron
You have to be ready for anything. It's a good reminder about democracy. Voters can tell you to carry on, or chuck you out. You've got to be ready for both.

You have to be ready for anything. It's a good reminder about democracy. Voters can tell you to carry on, or chuck you out. You've got to be ready for both.

David Cameron
Countries are different. They make different choices. We cannot harmonise everything.

Countries are different. They make different choices. We cannot harmonise everything.

David Cameron
Britain is not in the single currency, and we're not going to be. But we all need the eurozone to have the right governance and structures to secure a successful currency for the long term.

Britain is not in the single currency, and we're not going to be. But we all need the eurozone to have the right governance and structures to secure a successful currency for the long term.

David Cameron
I don't want to be Prime Minister of England, I want to be Prime Minister of the whole of the United Kingdom.

I don't want to be Prime Minister of England, I want to be Prime Minister of the whole of the United Kingdom.

David Cameron
For me, and I suspect for lots of other people too, bad things actually sometimes make you think more about faith and the fact that you're not facing these things on your own.

For me, and I suspect for lots of other people too, bad things actually sometimes make you think more about faith and the fact that you're not facing these things on your own.

David Cameron
If we are going to try to get across to the poorest people in the world that we care about their plight and we want them to join one world with the rest of us, we have got to make promises and keep promises.

If we are going to try to get across to the poorest people in the world that we care about their plight and we want them to join one world with the rest of us, we have got to make promises and keep promises.

David Cameron
There's another way we are getting behind business - by sorting out the banks. Taxpayers bailed you out. Now it's time for you to repay the favour and start lending to Britain's small businesses.

There's another way we are getting behind business - by sorting out the banks. Taxpayers bailed you out. Now it's time for you to repay the favour and start lending to Britain's small businesses.

David Cameron
We need the Chinese to - you know, spend more, save less - consume more and not be so focused on exports. There are big changes we need in the world.

We need the Chinese to - you know, spend more, save less - consume more and not be so focused on exports. There are big changes we need in the world.

David Cameron
At a time when we're having to take such difficult decisions about how to cut back without damaging the things that matter the most, we should strain every sinew to cut error, waste and fraud.

At a time when we're having to take such difficult decisions about how to cut back without damaging the things that matter the most, we should strain every sinew to cut error, waste and fraud.

David Cameron
But we will say something else. That for far too long in this country, people who can work, people who are able to work, and people who choose not to work: you cannot go on claiming welfare like you are now.

But we will say something else. That for far too long in this country, people who can work, people who are able to work, and people who choose not to work: you cannot go on claiming welfare like you are now.

David Cameron
If you can work and if you're offered a job and you don't take it, you cannot continue to claim benefits. It will be extremely tough.

If you can work and if you're offered a job and you don't take it, you cannot continue to claim benefits. It will be extremely tough.

David Cameron
It is vital that we get these policies right as we take forward our plans to drive down the deficit and transform our economy.

It is vital that we get these policies right as we take forward our plans to drive down the deficit and transform our economy.

David Cameron
The political system is broken, the economy is broken and so is society. That is why people are so depressed about the state of our country.

The political system is broken, the economy is broken and so is society. That is why people are so depressed about the state of our country.

David Cameron
I was the future once.

I was the future once.

David Cameron
I do think 'Gogglebox' is extraordinarily insightful, and I think if politicians want to understand how we are viewed at home, it's quite recommended viewing.

I do think 'Gogglebox' is extraordinarily insightful, and I think if politicians want to understand how we are viewed at home, it's quite recommended viewing.

David Cameron