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25 Meaningful Quotes By Damien Hirst

Famous As: Artist
Born On: 1965
Born In: Bristol
Age: 59 Years
Damien Hirst is an English artist and entrepreneur. He became famous for his unusual work around series of dead animals. His most famous artwork from the series is called ‘Living.’ He was also the flag-bearer of ‘Young British Artists Movement’ in the 90s. In 2008, his show, ‘Beautiful inside My Head Forever,’ at Sotheby's was completely sold out which was a milestone for an artist. The auction raised close to $ 200 million US dollars. His other artworks include ‘spin-art paintings’ and ‘spot paintings.’ As much as he is successful, Hirst has also been accused of plagiarism many a time since 1999. Even so, his paintings are sold at exceptionally high prices. These quotes by Hirst will inspire you to follow your passion in life.
A painting probably is the most shocking increase in value, from what it costs to make to what you sell it for.

A painting probably is the most shocking increase in value, from what it costs to make to what you sell it for.

Damien Hirst
A lot of people thought I wasn't doing anything because I was spending a lot of time socialising and going out, but I've always managed to get work actually done.

A lot of people thought I wasn't doing anything because I was spending a lot of time socialising and going out, but I've always managed to get work actually done.

Damien Hirst

Even as a kid in drawing class, I had real ambition. I wanted to be the best in the class, but there was always some other feller who was better; so I thought, It cant be about being the best, it has to be about the drawing itself, what you do with it. Thats kind of stuck with me.

Damien Hirst
Death's just something that inspires me, not something that pulls me down. I used to get called morbid at school. I have always loved horror films; I like being frightened.

Death's just something that inspires me, not something that pulls me down. I used to get called morbid at school. I have always loved horror films; I like being frightened.

Damien Hirst
Commercials are so contemporary and up to date that when you're involved in that visual world, you can't really go backwards.

Commercials are so contemporary and up to date that when you're involved in that visual world, you can't really go backwards.

Damien Hirst
Buy art, build a museum, put your name on it, let people in for free. That's as close as you can get to immortality.

Buy art, build a museum, put your name on it, let people in for free. That's as close as you can get to immortality.

Damien Hirst
But whenever I look at the question of how to live, the answer's always staring me in the face. I'm already doing it.

But whenever I look at the question of how to live, the answer's always staring me in the face. I'm already doing it.

Damien Hirst
But then architects don't build their own houses.

But then architects don't build their own houses.

Damien Hirst
But the answer to how to live is to stop thinking about it. And just to live. But you're doing that anyway. However you intellectualise it, you still just live.

But the answer to how to live is to stop thinking about it. And just to live. But you're doing that anyway. However you intellectualise it, you still just live.

Damien Hirst
But I'm more interested in why people are frightened by Jaws and why Jaws was such a hit than saying Spielberg's my main influence.

But I'm more interested in why people are frightened by Jaws and why Jaws was such a hit than saying Spielberg's my main influence.

Damien Hirst
But I could never make a judgement that something was obscene.

But I could never make a judgement that something was obscene.

Damien Hirst
But for me, from my point of view, I don't mind if it falls over... if you break the glass you replace the glass, if the sheep falls out you can always get a new sheep.

But for me, from my point of view, I don't mind if it falls over... if you break the glass you replace the glass, if the sheep falls out you can always get a new sheep.

Damien Hirst
Being best is a false goal, you have to measure success on your own terms.

Being best is a false goal, you have to measure success on your own terms.

Damien Hirst
Because it's visual art, a lot of it comes from childhood experience but then a lot comes from the visual language - in advertising and stuff like that - which is around us.

Because it's visual art, a lot of it comes from childhood experience but then a lot comes from the visual language - in advertising and stuff like that - which is around us.

Damien Hirst
As soon as something becomes art I think you get over the fear

As soon as something becomes art I think you get over the fear

Damien Hirst
As an artist, you don't stop making art because people are not buying it.

As an artist, you don't stop making art because people are not buying it.

Damien Hirst
As a father, I would say I am more like a mother. I do a lot of hugging.

As a father, I would say I am more like a mother. I do a lot of hugging.

Damien Hirst
Artists are like everybody else.

Artists are like everybody else.

Damien Hirst
Art goes on in your head. If you said something interesting, that might be a title for a work of art and I'd write it down.

Art goes on in your head. If you said something interesting, that might be a title for a work of art and I'd write it down.

Damien Hirst
Art comes from everywhere. It's your response to your surroundings.

Art comes from everywhere. It's your response to your surroundings.

Damien Hirst

But I always liked the fact that you get these totally unacceptable images, but they're taken by a really expensive photographer, with great light, and in terms of the quality of the photograph it's a great photograph, but in terms of imagery it's unacceptable, and I like that contradiction.

Damien Hirst

But I think it's more that when you're young, you're invincible, you're immortal - or at least you think you are. The possibilities are limitless, you're inventing the future. Then you get older and suddenly you have a history. It's fixed. You can't change anything. I find that a bit disturbing, to be honest.

Damien Hirst

As an artist you're looking for universal triggers. You want it both ways. You want it to have an immediate impact, and you want it to have deep meanings as well. I'm striving for both. But I hate it when people write things that sound like they've swallowed a f... dictionary.

Damien Hirst

Art is the closest you can get to immortality, though it's a poor substitute - you're working for people not yet born - and people want it because it is brilliant. It ends up in museums anyway; the rich have to give it back to the people, it's their only option. There are no pockets in a shroud.

Damien Hirst

For artists it's a lot easier to make art in bad times than it is in good times. When you've got no money it's easy to just drink your way through it and make great art. But if you're making lots of money it can be very problematic.

Damien Hirst