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45 Inspiring Quotes By Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Utopian Feminist

Famous As: Writer
Born On: 1860
Died On: 1935
Born In: Hartford, Connecticut
Died At Age: 75
Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a distinguished American feminist, author, and social reformer. She was born in an affluent and highly influential Beecher family but she had a difficult childhood. She was part of a broken family and had to move around which affected her education. Gilman had faced a major post-partum depression after the birth of her daughter and went through a lot of difficulties as the society didn’t approve her disease. This experience inspired her short story “The Yellow Wall-Paper” which turned to be the most eminent work of her life. She separated from her husband and moved to Pasadena where she actively organized social reform movements. She became a well-known lecturer, which constituted a major part of her income. Her career in lecturing gained a sudden boost when she started giving speeches on nationalism. Her feminist nature inspired a majority of her non-fiction books which encouraged women to be economically independent. Out of these books, the most noted one was ‘Women and Economics’, which solidified her position as a social theorist. She also served as a delegate and represented California in the ‘Suffrage Convention’ and ‘The International Socialist and Labor Congress’. We bring to you a compilation of most famous sayings and quotations by her which have been excerpted from her writings, thoughts, work and speeches. These revolutionary quotes and thoughts on feminism by Charlotte Perkins Gilman will enlighten you towards the much-needed equality by women.
It is the same woman, I know, for she is always creeping, and most women do not creep by daylight.

It is the same woman, I know, for she is always creeping, and most women do not creep by daylight.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. As well speak of a female liver.

There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. As well speak of a female liver.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Death? Why all this fuss about death? Use your imagination, try to visualize a world without death! Death is the essential condition to life, not an evil.

Death? Why all this fuss about death? Use your imagination, try to visualize a world without death! Death is the essential condition to life, not an evil.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
There are things in that paper that nobody knows but me, or ever will.

There are things in that paper that nobody knows but me, or ever will.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
As for mother Eve - I wasn't there and can't deny the story, but I will say this. If she brought evil into the world, we men have had the lion's share of keeping it going ever since.

As for mother Eve - I wasn't there and can't deny the story, but I will say this. If she brought evil into the world, we men have had the lion's share of keeping it going ever since.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
When all usefulness is over, when one is assured of an unavoidable and imminent death, it is the simplest of human rights to choose a quick and easy death in place of a slow and horrible one.

When all usefulness is over, when one is assured of an unavoidable and imminent death, it is the simplest of human rights to choose a quick and easy death in place of a slow and horrible one.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
But I MUST say what I feel and think in some way — it is such a relief! But the effort is getting to be greater than the relief.

But I MUST say what I feel and think in some way — it is such a relief! But the effort is getting to be greater than the relief.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
This is the woman's century, the first chance for the mother of the world to rise to her full place . . . and the world waits while she powders her nose.

This is the woman's century, the first chance for the mother of the world to rise to her full place . . . and the world waits while she powders her nose.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
I'm sure I never used to be so sensitive. I think it is due to this nervous condition.

I'm sure I never used to be so sensitive. I think it is due to this nervous condition.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
In a sick society, women who have difficulty fitting in are not ill but demonstrating a healthy and positive response.

In a sick society, women who have difficulty fitting in are not ill but demonstrating a healthy and positive response.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Now why should that man have fainted? But he did,and right across my path by the wall, so that I had to creep over him every time!

Now why should that man have fainted? But he did,and right across my path by the wall, so that I had to creep over him every time!

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
To swallow and follow, whether old doctrine or new propaganda, is a weakness still dominating the human mind.

To swallow and follow, whether old doctrine or new propaganda, is a weakness still dominating the human mind.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The first duty of a human being is to assume the right relationship to society -- more briefly, to find your real job, and do it.

The first duty of a human being is to assume the right relationship to society -- more briefly, to find your real job, and do it.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
A man's honor always seems to want to kill a woman to satisfy it.

A man's honor always seems to want to kill a woman to satisfy it.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Here she comes, running, out of prison and off the pedestal: chains off, crown off, halo off, just a live woman.

Here she comes, running, out of prison and off the pedestal: chains off, crown off, halo off, just a live woman.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage.

John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
It does not do to trust people too much.

It does not do to trust people too much.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Through it [literature] we know the past, govern the present, and influence the future.

Through it [literature] we know the past, govern the present, and influence the future.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
I am glad my case is not serious! But these nervous troubles are dreadfully depressing. John does not know how much I really suffer. He knows there is no reason to suffer, and that satisfies him.

I am glad my case is not serious! But these nervous troubles are dreadfully depressing. John does not know how much I really suffer. He knows there is no reason to suffer, and that satisfies him.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
I never saw a worse paper in my life. One of those sprawling flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin.

I never saw a worse paper in my life. One of those sprawling flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Woman" in the abstract is young, and, we assume, charming. As they get older they pass off the stage, somehow, into private ownership mostly, or out of it altogether.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
To attain happiness in another world we need only to believe something, while to secure it in this world we must do something.

To attain happiness in another world we need only to believe something, while to secure it in this world we must do something.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
They were inconveniently reasonable, these women.

They were inconveniently reasonable, these women.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Never in all her life had she imagined that this idolized millinery could look, to those who paid for it, like the decorations of an insane monkey.

Never in all her life had she imagined that this idolized millinery could look, to those who paid for it, like the decorations of an insane monkey.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
I always liked that Arab saying, 'First tie your camel and then trust in the Lord,

I always liked that Arab saying, 'First tie your camel and then trust in the Lord,

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
(I would not say it to a living soul, of course, but this is dead paper and a great relief to my mind

(I would not say it to a living soul, of course, but this is dead paper and a great relief to my mind

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Nobody would believe what an effort it is to do what little I am able, - to dress and entertain, and order things

Nobody would believe what an effort it is to do what little I am able, - to dress and entertain, and order things

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Most men’s eyes, when you look at them critically, are not like that. They may look at you very expressively, but when you look at them, just as features, they are not very nice.

Most men’s eyes, when you look at them critically, are not like that. They may look at you very expressively, but when you look at them, just as features, they are not very nice.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
John doesn't know how much I really suffer. He knows there is no reason to suffer, and that satisfies him.
It is getting to be a great effort for me to think straight. Just this nervous weakness I suppose.

John doesn't know how much I really suffer. He knows there is no reason to suffer, and that satisfies him. It is getting to be a great effort for me to think straight. Just this nervous weakness I suppose.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Those who too patiently serve as props sometimes underrate the possibilities of the vine.

Those who too patiently serve as props sometimes underrate the possibilities of the vine.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman