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60 Notable Quotes By Charles Lamb, The Most Lovable Figure In English Literature

Famous As: English Essayist, Poet and Antiquarian Best Known for His Books: ‘Essays of Elia’ and ‘Tales from Shakespeare’
Born On: 1775
Died On: 1834
Born In: Inner Temple, London, England
Died At Age: 59
Charles Lamb was a famous English writer, poet, antiquarian and essayist whose essays are still loved by the masses. He started off his career with small clerical jobs and worked as a clerk in the ‘East India House’ where he worked until his retirement. Lamb was always surrounded by great writers which helped him nurture his interest in writing. His debut book titled ‘Poems on Various Subjects’ which was a collection of four poems failed to fascinate the masses. He went on to write short articles for various newspapers and faced some more failures before writing his first notable work titled ‘Tales from Shakespeare’ written for children. It was a simple adaptation of Shakespeare’s stories with a mixture of his critical views. He further wrote many adaptations including ‘The Adventures of Ulysses’ and ‘Specimens of English Dramatic Poets Who Lived About the Time of Shakespeare’. His most notable works were ‘Essays of Elia’ and ‘On the Tragedies of Shakespeare’. His works, writings, essays, books and poems still have a large readership. His writings are a useful source of some really great quotes. We have collected Charles Lamb's quotes from some of his most popular works. Go through the notable quotes and thoughts by Charles Lamb, the distinguished essayist and poet of all times.
Listed In:
Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected.

Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected.

Charles Lamb
I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early.

I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early.

Charles Lamb
Nothing puzzles me more than the time and space; and yet nothing troubles me less.

Nothing puzzles me more than the time and space; and yet nothing troubles me less.

Charles Lamb
Cards are war, in disguise of a sport.

Cards are war, in disguise of a sport.

Charles Lamb
Boys are capital fellows in their own way, among their mates; but they are unwholesome companions for grown people.

Boys are capital fellows in their own way, among their mates; but they are unwholesome companions for grown people.

Charles Lamb
He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides.

He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides.

Charles Lamb
The red-letter days, now become, to all intents and purposes, dead-letter days.

The red-letter days, now become, to all intents and purposes, dead-letter days.

Charles Lamb
A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market.

A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market.

Charles Lamb
Riches are chiefly good because they give us time.

Riches are chiefly good because they give us time.

Charles Lamb
I'd like to grow very old as slowly as possible.

I'd like to grow very old as slowly as possible.

Charles Lamb
We gain nothing by being with such as ourselves. We encourage one another in mediocrity. I am always longing to be with men more excellent than myself.

We gain nothing by being with such as ourselves. We encourage one another in mediocrity. I am always longing to be with men more excellent than myself.

Charles Lamb
Of all sound of all bells... most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the Old Year.

Of all sound of all bells... most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the Old Year.

Charles Lamb
For thy sake, tobacco, I would do anything but die.

For thy sake, tobacco, I would do anything but die.

Charles Lamb
It is good to love the unknown.

It is good to love the unknown.

Charles Lamb
I could never hate anyone I knew.

I could never hate anyone I knew.

Charles Lamb
Anything awful makes me laugh. I misbehaved once at a funeral.

Anything awful makes me laugh. I misbehaved once at a funeral.

Charles Lamb
The measure of choosing well, is, whether a man likes and finds good in what he has chosen.

The measure of choosing well, is, whether a man likes and finds good in what he has chosen.

Charles Lamb
The teller of a mirthful tale has latitude allowed him. We are content with less than absolute truth.

The teller of a mirthful tale has latitude allowed him. We are content with less than absolute truth.

Charles Lamb
Shakespeare is one of the last books one should like to give up, perhaps the one just before the Dying Service in a large Prayer book.

Shakespeare is one of the last books one should like to give up, perhaps the one just before the Dying Service in a large Prayer book.

Charles Lamb
My motto is: Contented with little, yet wishing for more.

My motto is: Contented with little, yet wishing for more.

Charles Lamb
I have had playmates, I have had companions; In my days of childhood, in my joyful school days - All, all are gone, the old familiar faces.

I have had playmates, I have had companions; In my days of childhood, in my joyful school days - All, all are gone, the old familiar faces.

Charles Lamb
Man is a gaming animal. He must always be trying to get the better in something or other.

Man is a gaming animal. He must always be trying to get the better in something or other.

Charles Lamb

The most common error made in matters of appearance is the belief that one should disdain the superficial and let the true beauty of one's soul shine through. If there are places on your body where this is a possibility, you are not attractive - you are leaking.

Charles Lamb
The beggar wears all colors fearing none.

The beggar wears all colors fearing none.

Charles Lamb
Asparagus inspires gentle thoughts.

Asparagus inspires gentle thoughts.

Charles Lamb
We grow gray in our spirit long before we grow gray in our hair.

We grow gray in our spirit long before we grow gray in our hair.

Charles Lamb
The human species, according to the best theory I can form of it, is composed of two distinct races, the men who borrow and the men who lend.

The human species, according to the best theory I can form of it, is composed of two distinct races, the men who borrow and the men who lend.

Charles Lamb
A pun is not bound by the laws which limit nicer wit. It is a pistol let off at the ear; not a feather to tickle the intellect.

A pun is not bound by the laws which limit nicer wit. It is a pistol let off at the ear; not a feather to tickle the intellect.

Charles Lamb
To be sick is to enjoy monarchical prerogatives.

To be sick is to enjoy monarchical prerogatives.

Charles Lamb
Some people have a knack of putting upon you gifts of no real value, to engage you to substantial gratitude. We thank them for nothing.

Some people have a knack of putting upon you gifts of no real value, to engage you to substantial gratitude. We thank them for nothing.

Charles Lamb