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32 Interesting Camille Paglia Quotes Of All Time

Famous As: Cultural critic
Born On: 1947
Born In: Endicott
Age: 77 Years
Camille Anna Paglia is an academic and critic of societal issues from the United States. She rose to prominence in the 20th century and is particularly well-known for her withering criticism of the culture of the modern era. She studied at Birmingham University’s Harpur College and then went on to study at Yale University for her post graduate education. She then became a teacher at Bennington College and has also been employed as a professor at University of the Arts. However, it is as a social critic and writer that Paglia has become particularly famous; most notably because of her critical views on the existing feminist movement in the United States. In addition to that, her views on art, culture and films in the country as well as in the greater world are also taken seriously. Some of her most well- known works as a writer include ‘Free Women, Free Men’, ‘Break, Blow, Burn’, ‘Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson’, ‘Vamps and Tramps’, and ‘The Birds’. She is counted among the leading intellectuals of the world and rightly so, due to her grasp on a wide range of subjects. She is quite vocal about expressing her thoughts on various issues. Here is a collection of Camille Paglia’s most famous sayings and quotes on America, liberal, emotion, exoticism, art, decadence, responsibility, victim, sexism, socialism, truth and prostitute.
Men chase by night those they will not greet by day.

Men chase by night those they will not greet by day.

Camille Paglia
The prostitute is not, as feminists claim, the victim of men, but rather their conqueror, an outlaw, who controls the sexual channels between nature and culture

The prostitute is not, as feminists claim, the victim of men, but rather their conqueror, an outlaw, who controls the sexual channels between nature and culture

Camille Paglia
Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist.

Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist.

Camille Paglia
We must accept our pain
Change what we can
and laugh at the rest

We must accept our pain Change what we can and laugh at the rest

Camille Paglia
Art is something out of the ordinary commenting on the ordinary.

Art is something out of the ordinary commenting on the ordinary.

Camille Paglia
It is capitalist America that produced the modern independent woman. Never in history have women had more freedom of choice in regard to dress, behavior, career, and sexual orientation.

It is capitalist America that produced the modern independent woman. Never in history have women had more freedom of choice in regard to dress, behavior, career, and sexual orientation.

Camille Paglia
If you live in rock and roll, as I do, you see the reality of sex, of male lust and women being aroused by male lust. It attracts women. It doesn't repel them.

If you live in rock and roll, as I do, you see the reality of sex, of male lust and women being aroused by male lust. It attracts women. It doesn't repel them.

Camille Paglia
Old school feminism, coveting social power, is blind to woman's cosmic sexual power.

Old school feminism, coveting social power, is blind to woman's cosmic sexual power.

Camille Paglia
Teenage boys, goaded by their surging hormones run in packs like the primal horde. They have only a brief season of exhilarating liberty between control by their mothers and control by their wives.

Teenage boys, goaded by their surging hormones run in packs like the primal horde. They have only a brief season of exhilarating liberty between control by their mothers and control by their wives.

Camille Paglia
Criticism at its best is re-creative, not spirit-killing.

Criticism at its best is re-creative, not spirit-killing.

Camille Paglia
Poetry is the way into a spiritual vision of society and the universe.

Poetry is the way into a spiritual vision of society and the universe.

Camille Paglia
Beauty is our weapon against nature; by it we make objects, giving them limit, symmetry, proportion. Beauty halts and freezes the melting flux of nature.

Beauty is our weapon against nature; by it we make objects, giving them limit, symmetry, proportion. Beauty halts and freezes the melting flux of nature.

Camille Paglia
Straight men who visit prostitutes are valiantly striving to keep sex free from emotion, duty, family--in other words, from society, religion, and procreative Mother Nature.

Straight men who visit prostitutes are valiantly striving to keep sex free from emotion, duty, family--in other words, from society, religion, and procreative Mother Nature.

Camille Paglia
Education has become a prisoner of contemporaneity. It is the past, not the dizzy present, that is the best door to the future.

Education has become a prisoner of contemporaneity. It is the past, not the dizzy present, that is the best door to the future.

Camille Paglia
The male orientation of classical Athens was inseparable from its genius. Athens became great not despite but because of its misogyny.

The male orientation of classical Athens was inseparable from its genius. Athens became great not despite but because of its misogyny.

Camille Paglia
The Earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.

The Earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.

Camille Paglia
Western science is a product of the Apollonian mind: its hope is that by naming and classification, by the cold light of intellect, archaic night can be pushed back and defeated.

Western science is a product of the Apollonian mind: its hope is that by naming and classification, by the cold light of intellect, archaic night can be pushed back and defeated.

Camille Paglia
The western mind makes definitions; it draws lines.

The western mind makes definitions; it draws lines.

Camille Paglia
Pornography is human imagination in tense theatrical action; its violations are a protest against the violations of our freedom by nature.

Pornography is human imagination in tense theatrical action; its violations are a protest against the violations of our freedom by nature.

Camille Paglia
We are merely one of a multitude of species upon which nature indiscriminately exerts its force. Nature has a master agenda we can only dimly know.

We are merely one of a multitude of species upon which nature indiscriminately exerts its force. Nature has a master agenda we can only dimly know.

Camille Paglia
Nature is always pulling the rug out from under our pompous ideals.

Nature is always pulling the rug out from under our pompous ideals.

Camille Paglia
Every reading is partial, but that does not absolve us from the quest for meaning, which defines us as a species.

Every reading is partial, but that does not absolve us from the quest for meaning, which defines us as a species.

Camille Paglia
Liberalism defines government as tyrant father but demands it behave as nurturant mother.

Liberalism defines government as tyrant father but demands it behave as nurturant mother.

Camille Paglia
Twentieth-century physics, going full circle back to Heracleitus, postulates that all matter is in motion. In other words, there is no thing, only energy.

Twentieth-century physics, going full circle back to Heracleitus, postulates that all matter is in motion. In other words, there is no thing, only energy.

Camille Paglia
My advice, as in everything, is to read widely and think for yourself We need more dissent and less dogma.

My advice, as in everything, is to read widely and think for yourself We need more dissent and less dogma.

Camille Paglia
Beauty is our escape from the murky flesh-envelope that imprisons us.

Beauty is our escape from the murky flesh-envelope that imprisons us.

Camille Paglia
Sex is power.

Sex is power.

Camille Paglia
Human beings are not nature's favorites. We are merely one of a multitude of species upon which nature indiscriminately exerts its force.

Human beings are not nature's favorites. We are merely one of a multitude of species upon which nature indiscriminately exerts its force.

Camille Paglia
A woman simply is, but a man must become. Masculinity is risky and elusive. It is achieved by a revolt from woman, and it is confirmed only by other men.

A woman simply is, but a man must become. Masculinity is risky and elusive. It is achieved by a revolt from woman, and it is confirmed only by other men.

Camille Paglia
The altar, as in pre-history, is anywhere you kneel.

The altar, as in pre-history, is anywhere you kneel.

Camille Paglia