11 C. S. Forester Quotes Worth Knowing
C. S. Forester (Cecil Scott Forester, Cecil Louis Troughton Smith) was an Egytian-born English novelist renowned for penning down sea adventure tales. The most prominent work of Forester has to be the 12-book Horatio Hornblower series, which registers the naval escapades of a Royal Navy Officer during the Napoleonic Wars. His other notable works include naval warfare tales such as The African Queen, The General, The Gun, Commandos Strike at Dawn, The Captain from Connecticut and many more. Forester also released several short stories on the Second World War and Hitler’s regime of Nazi Germany. He also ventured into children books and crime suspense genre with the release of Payment Deferred, Plain Murder and Poo-Poo and the Dragons. Forester bagged the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction for his prolific work in A Ship of the Line and Flying Colours. Here are some of the greatest quotes from this spirited writer from England.

When a man who is drinking neat gin starts talking about his mother he is past all argument.

I thank God daily for the good fortune of my birth, for I am certain I would have made a miserable peasant.

Hornblower bowed to Lady This and Lady That, to Lord Somebody and to Sir John Somebody-else. Bold eyes and bare arms, exquisite clothes and blue Garter-ribbons, were all the impressions Hornblower received.

...irresponsibility was something which, in the very nature of things, could not co-exist with independence.

The material came bubbling up inside like a geyser or an oil gusher. It streamed up of its own accord, down my arm and out of my fountain pen in a torrent of six thousand words a day.

The cork was in the bottle. He and the Atropos were trapped.

Hornblower worked as hard to conceal his human weaknesses as some men worked to conceal ignoble birth.

His self-respect was at its lowest ebb.

Though there are very serious disadvantages about being a true believer. Who would want four wives at any time, especially when one pays for the doubtful privilege by abstaining from wine?

July 4th, 1776,” mused Keene, reading Hornblower’s date of birth to himself.

His officers saw little of him, and did not love what they saw.