60 Top Brie Larson Quotes

You know how it is when you put on your best friend's shirt. You feel weird, even if everyone tells you that it looks good. You know that it isn't right.

Surrounding myself with women of different backgrounds and on different paths and in different stages of their lives has become so valuable to me.

I only write about stuff I know. I don't have a lot of experience with boys and stuff so I write a lot of songs about interesting and strange subjects that people wouldn't write songs about.

It's really hard to see yourself and to recognize that you are a human being like everybody else. You just think everybody's judging you.

Sometimes you pick up on the myth and it's just an accident. I think it comes naturally out of people, and some people are aware of it.

Whenever you want something that you're not going to get, suddenly the whiney 3-year-old comes out in you.

We're in a different time right now, and I think we're ready to see a different type of female hero.

For me, I believe that just seeing women be strong and tough is not answering the question of what a female hero looks like. Women have their own set of skills that are worth exploring and seeing on screen.

It's very scary to allow the world to see you.

Sometimes I laugh with my parents, and sometimes I yell at them, and both are therapeutic.

I know that I'm an actor and I guess I could kind of put on an act, but it takes so much more time to be someone you are not. I feel so much better just being comfortable with myself and hopefully girls will accept that.

I didn't have a regular school experience and wanted a more abstract way of learning. I started exploring in lots of different creative ways. It gave me the opportunity to travel and play music, so it was good for me.

I think that I write about stuff that others don't write about. I don't have a bunch of love songs cuz I don't really have much boy experience. I just write about what I am actually going through in my real life.

I think that usually I'm just drawn to something that's different from something that I've done previously. Whatever makes me feel something. Whatever makes me excited and connected to it.

I started acting in second grade - my first role was in the Thanksgiving play. I was the Indian chasing the turkey. All the other mom's encouraged my mom to get me into acting after that.

I think that, especially as the kids are growing up, they have so much stuff going on in their own lives, they don't really know how much they're looking at their mom as the big problem

I think it starts to feel really redundant when you start to do something the same way over and over again. I don't think it's good to become so dependent on a certain writing process.

I usually get my lyrics when I let my mind wander, when you're not really awake, but not yet fully asleep. I keep an open notebook by my bed and then just write whatever comes to me.

I was listening to a lot of Norwegian black metal and death metal. There's a great history to Norwegian black metal. That music is very dark and violent, but it's also beautiful.

I had a tough time fitting in, as I guess most kids do. I felt like school was kind of a grand opportunity to figure yourself out and to figure out what you wanted.

I was home-schooled, was always very close with my mom and was very straight-laced and square. I was never the rebellious one, and I never threw hissy fits.

I think more things are becoming socially acceptable. I think that just by having more media, whether that's TV or Internet, we're able to see more things.

I'm learning with the older that I get that some feelings are just universal and that I'm not the only one who hates their hair or their life at times.

I think the interesting aspect of life is that you're always sort of in the middle. You're never the youngest and you're never the oldest.

I was the type of person that would show a PowerPoint presentation about why I should do something versus crying and screaming over it.

I have a lot of different influences. Everything from Maroon 5, Gwen Stefani, The Clash, Kanye West - just a lot of different artists.

I'm looking for something to laugh over. After long enough, your body just needs to keep the hydration. You can't keep crying it out.

I was home-schooled 'cause I wanted to be an actor. I would spend all day watching movies, trying to get through calculus.

For me, the dumbest rule is that you can't chew gum in school. For some reason, chewing gum for me gets my brain going.

Clothing totally changes my perception of how I feel about myself depending on what it is that I'm wearing.