32 Billy Idol Quotes For The Music Lovers
Billy Idol (William Michael Albert Broad) is an English writer, song composer, musician and actor, who gained worldwide recognition after his association with the hit punk rock band ‘Generation X’. After his success with the band, he migrated to the United States to pursue a solo career. His eponymous debut album comprised of hits such as Dancing with Myself and White Wedding, which made Idol a household name largely due to the newly established channel ‘MTV’. He cemented his designation as a rock legend through his albums Rebel Yell, Whiplash Smile, Charmed Life and Cyberpunk. This MTV Video Music and Brit Award winner was also nominated thrice for the Grammy Awards. In 2014, he released his autobiography named ‘Dancing With Myself’. Problems with record labels and severe incidents of drug overdose forced Idol to stay out of reckoning in the eyes of public. After a while he returned into the scheme of things by releasing his albums Devil's Playground and again with ‘Kings & Queens of the Underground’. We have collected some of Billy Idol’s quotes from his life, lyrics of his songs, interviews etc. Delve into these quotes from this Rock legend from Britain

I love it when someone insults me. That means that I don't have to be nice anymore.

When there's nothing left to lose, and nothing else to prove, I'll be dancing with myself

It doesn't matter about money; having it, not having it. Or having clothes, or not having them. You're still left alone with yourself in the end.

They wouldn't play my records on American radio because I had spiky hair. They said, 'Punk rock doesn't sell advertising, it won't make any money.'

I don't think punk ever really dies, because punk rock attitude can never die.

The biggest misconception people have about me is that I'm stupid.

You are going to be who you are. Might as well embrace it or forever be at the mercy of the human fears and trepidations of life that can devastate and drag us down.

I'm on a bus on a psychedelic trip reading murder books tryin' to stay hip.

Never be in thrall to anyone but your own wants and desires, because only you can make yourself happy. Fly your own flag, and be true to it. Your soul is the true captain.

If your world doesn't allow you to dream, move to one where you can.

The English poet Alexander Pope said, “An excuse is worse than a lie, for an excuse is a lie, guarded.

Benjamin Franklin once offered advice to his fellow revolutionaries: “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.

You have to believe in yourself even when others don’t, or you won’t achieve anything.

Rock isn't art, it's the way ordinary people talk.
When I started out, everyone seemed to be adopting these names... Johnny Rotten, Sid Vicious. I wasn't really Rotten or Vicious or Nasty, so I wanted something a bit more funny - yet something that seemed real rock 'n' roll... something that acknowledged my ambition.

The punk credo was to stand up for your own beliefs and tastes, not bow down to yet another new set of rules. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, indeed.

(I) just had to show there's life in the old dog yet. (You) don't have to go out and shoot me.

I'm really a singer, so I love songs and I love singing. I like rap music, but I didn't grow up freestyling.

The world goes on, you go on and you change. You want to show the fans those changes, and you want to be able to verbalize them.

Part of the punk attitude was that you should project your music through your whole body... show your personality as much as possible.

My hair used to be real long, and my parents were encouraged when I cut it. They thought I was going 'straight,' but I was just getting weirder - at least in their eyes. I was getting into the punk thing.

I don't care what stage or what reason, as long as we're playing.

I am quite a romantic person, really, and I should have put that into my music earlier, but I was probably denying it... I didn't want to be soft because I felt I had to be so hard to get people to believe in me.

I rocked the cradle of love.

There was a time when my whole life was in chaos, really, and I didn't help myself sort it out. But one day I came to my senses, and I think I was lucky because a lot of people don't.

It's like, what happened, I was always leading fashion, and then the grunge thing kind of came along. And because I've been so on top in the '80s you know, I, you know, what can I do? Suddenly go grunge?

I'm not talking with an American accent. I haven't gone off and become Sammy Hagar.
My dad was one of the reasons I got into rock and roll, because I was learning the ropes of his business, which was selling powertools, and I was looking for a way out from under his heel. I was like, 'Where's the fun? Where's the glamour?'
I'm not trying to hide from my past. I want to roll in it. Like a dog, rolling in feces, I'm rolling in the feces of my greatest hits - that's a bit of a wild way of looking at it, but I am a man, and we do like rolling in our own feces at times.

I think everybody heard it wrong. When people were saying I was born again, it was actually that I’ve got back into porn again . . .