240 Notable Quotes By Bernie Sanders That You Can Count On
Bernie Sanders is a distinguished American politician who has been serving as the ‘Junior United States Senator’ from Vermont since 2007. Congressional history suggests that Sanders has been the longest serving independent in the U.S. After serving as the chair of ‘Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee’ for two years, Sanders became the ranking minority member on ‘Senate Budget Commitee’. Sanders has always been vocal about issues that have been close to his heart which include racial equality, healthcare and racism. Going by many scholars, Sanders views, opinions and thoughts are considered to be more in line with social democracy. His book ‘Our Revolution: A Future To Believe In’ was published in 2016 and made its way to number 3 at ‘The New York Times Bestseller List’. Go through the quotes and sayings by Bernie Sanders which have been amassed from his writings, speeches, books, interviews, tweets and public utterances.

I think what the American people are saying is enough is enough. This country, this great country, belongs to all of us. It cannot continue to be controlled by a handful of billionaires who apparently want it all.

It costs a hell of a lot more money to put somebody in jail than send them to the University of Virginia.

It's time to make our government work for all of us... and not just the 1%.

We need a very progressive and strong agenda to bring people into the political process because I worry very much about the future of the American democracy where so many people are giving up.

I'm not that much of a socialist compared to Eisenhower.

What kind of nation are we when we give tax breaks to billionaires, but we can't take care of the elderly and the children.

Brothers and sisters: Now is not the time for thinking small, now is not the time for the same-old, same-old establishment politics and stale inside-the-Beltway ideas.

We need to change the power structure in America, we need to end the political oligarchy.

The United States must join the rest of the industrialized world, guarantee health care to all people as a right.

The point is change can come about, but it only comes about when millions of people are actively involved in political struggle, the billionaires may have the money, but we have the people.

An America where every person, no matter their race, their disability or their sexual orientation realizes the full promise of equality that is our birthright as Americans.

Today, the top one-tenth of 1% owns nearly as much wealth as the bottom 90%. The economic game is rigged, and this level of inequality is unsustainable. We need an economy that works for all, not just the powerful.

Americans' right to free speech should not be proportionate to their bank accounts.

The only way change happens is when people become more significantly involved in the political process.

It's better to show up than to give up.

The problems we face, did not come down from the heavens. They are made, they are made by bad human decisions, and good human decisions can change them.

What my campaign is about is a political revolution - millions of people standing up and saying, enough is enough. Our government belongs to all of us, and not just the hand full of billionaires.

Finally, let understand that when we stand together, we will always win. When men and women stand together for justice, we win. When black, white and Hispanic people stand together for justice, we win.
![Real change never occurs from the top on down, [but] always from the bottom on up.](https://www.wisdomly.net/images/quotes/bernie-sanders-77483.jpg)
Real change never occurs from the top on down, [but] always from the bottom on up.

A nation will not survive morally or economically when so few have so much and so many have so little.

To me, democratic socialism means democracy. It means creating a government that represents all of us, not just the wealthiest people in the country.

You go to your public library, or you call your fire department or police department, what do you think you are calling? These are socialist institutions.

It used to be that I was known as 'the longest-serving independent in the history of the United States Congress,' which is true. Now I'm a 'self-professed democratic socialist.' Things change when you run for president.

I think there are a lot of people who, when they hear the word 'socialist,' get very, very nervous.

Bill Clinton is a moderate Democrat. I'm a democratic socialist.

Democratic socialism means, that in a democratic, civilized society, the wealthiest people and the largest corporations must pay their fair share of taxes.

I certainly did not know what the word 'socialism' meant growing up, because I was brought up in a very nonpolitical family. My brother was somewhat active, but my parents were not.

Social Security, which transformed life for the elderly in this country, was 'socialist.' The concept of the 'minimum wage' was seen as a radical intrusion into the marketplace and was described as 'socialist.'

Democratic socialism means that we must create an economy that works for all, not just the very wealthy.

Hillary Clinton will nominate justices to the Supreme Court who are prepared to overturn Citizens United and end the movement toward oligarchy that we are seeing in this country.