41 Quotes By Barbara Sher That Inspire You To Take The Road Less Travelled
Barbara Sher was a profound author, lifestyle/career coach, and speaker. Her books were translated in various languages and sold millions of copies. She was appeared on shows, such as ‘Good Morning America,’ ‘The Today Show,’ ‘CNN,’ ‘Oprah,’ and ’60 Minutes.’ Her public television specials were aired regularly. She lectured at Fortune 100 companies, professional conferences and universities across the globe. Some of her renowned works include ‘I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was,’ ‘Refuse To Choose! A Revolutionary Program For Doing Everything That You Love,’ ‘Barbara Sher’s Idea Book: How To Do What You Love Without Starving to Death,’ amongst various others. Read through the motivational quotes by Barbara Sher which are surely going to inspire you.

What you're really supposed to be doing is whatever makes your heart sing.

Doing what you love isn't a priviledge; it's an obligation.

Every time you have to make a choice about anything, think "Does this go toward or away from what I want?" Always choose what goes toward what you want.

Find out what you love. Do it because you love it. Stick with it. Start now.

You must go after your wish. As soon as you start to pursue a dream, your life wakes up and everything has meaning.

Doing is a quantum leap from imagining.

If you don't know how you feel, you won't know what you want.

You can wonder forever how many teeth a horse has - or you can find a horse, open its mouth, and count its teeth.

We weigh ourselves down with so many obstacles we can't even buy a goldfish bowl.

A scholar is someone who sticks to things. A poet is someone who uses whatever sticks to him.

I imagine there are orderly, well-organized Scanners in the world, but there can't be very many of them. It's far more common to hear a Scanner mumbling, "Now, where did I put that lizard?

Through all the world there goes one long cry from the heart of the artist: Only give me the chance to do my very best!

You can learn new things at any time in your life if you're willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you.

You just have to forget whatever you were taught about “meaningful work” and start noticing whatever has meaning to you.

The problem is that most of us have limited our imagination to what we have been told is possible—and usually we’ve been told by people without much experience.

About things you merely like? Would you rather learn how to plant a garden, work with friends to paint a house, or just have a great day with

When you play it too safe, you're taking the biggest risk of your life. Time is the only wealth we're given.

Imaginary obstacles are insurmountable. Real ones aren't.

If you truly feared failure, you'd be very successful.

Happy people have two things in common. They know exactly what they want and they feel they're moving toward getting it.

Find what you love, because greatness is based on great gifts. If you love something, you can count on the fact that you are genetically gifted at it.

Everyone has unique gifts and talents. What you love is what you're gifted at. To be completely happy, to live a completely fulfilled life, you have to do what you love.

Every time you have to make a choice about anything, think Does this go toward or away from what I want? Always choose what goes toward what you want.

Every single one of us can do things that no one else can do can love things that no one else can love. We are like violins. We can be used for doorstops, or we can make music.

Each destination you reach only opens out into wider horizons, new and undiscovered countries for you to explore.

Down deep we really know our worth, but we don't have easy access to that knowledge. We need to hear praise coming from outside ourselves or we won't remember that we deserve it.

Doing your own thing is a generous act. Being gifted creates obligations, which means you owe the world your best effort at the work you love. You too are a natural resource.

DO IT RIGHT, DO IT WRONG, BUT DO IT. Squeeze your eyes shut and jump. Because a wonderful thing happens then. Your focus shifts from yourself, your nervousness, and your imagined inadequacies to the task at hand.

Change is not only likely, it's inevitable.

Being judgmental is cheap. Any fool can do it.