96 Meaningful Quotes By Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Whose Words Will Resonate For Generations

I try to indulge my muse whenever I am able to get away from it all.

I believe that democracy is the best guarantor for peace and cooperation among nations.

For me, power was never an attraction.

My message to the people and rulers of Pakistan is, 'As neighbours, we want peace and friendship and cooperation with you so that together we can change the face of South Asia.'

People want government to deliver - here and now.

My poet's heart gives me strength to face political problems, particularly those which have a bearing on my conscience.

The prime minister's office is not something that one enjoys.

India has a legitimate right to becoming a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council.

This power of democracy is a matter of pride for our country, something which we must always cherish, preserve and further strengthen.

The BJP is not a party dependent on a single individual, nor is it tied to the apron strings of a family.

We have given up office, but not our responsibility to serve the nation. We have lost an election, but not our determination.

Let me make one thing clear. I have never considered mere survival in power as any achievement, just as I have never seen coming to power as an achievement in itself.

India has never played politics with national security.

If Pakistan had not accepted the demand to stop cross-border infiltration and the United States had not conveyed to us Pakistan's guarantee to do so, then nothing could have stopped a war.

The BJP decides its own policies.

Whatever understanding is reached with Pakistan has to be followed honestly, and everybody will have to rise above party politics and be actively committed to make India prosperous.

If Pakistan claims to be a crucial partner in the international coalition against terrorism, how can it continue to use terrorism as an instrument of state policy against India?

Our aim should be to make India a global R&D hub.

If the elections are a mere fraud, why are terrorists being trained and infiltrated into India at the command of the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency of Pakistan to kill election candidates and to intimidate voters?

We are unnecessarily wasting our precious resources in wars... if we must wage war, we have to do it on unemployment, disease, poverty, and backwardness.

The regional parties have emerged as a strong force, and they, too, deserve a place in national politics.

I am often accused of colluding with the British during the freedom struggle. I want to ask, how?

Labour reforms are not anti-worker.

If Advaniji did not want, I would never have been Prime Minister.

For the Bharatiya Janata Party, Gandhian socialism is what we want to achieve and make society free of exploitation and full of opportunities.

India helped Bangladesh to achieve independence. The Bangladeshis should remain happy inside the territory of their own country.

No one can be considered untouchable on political grounds.

We used to fight with Pakistan with bombs. Now we are fighting with them on the playing ground.

It is a matter of concern that science departments in India's vast university system have suffered greatly due to lack of investments, both material and in terms of faculty.

We want peace to be permanent.