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100 Top Selected Anthony Trollope Quotes

Famous As: Novelist
Born On: 1815
Died On: 1882
Born In: London, England
Died At Age: 67
Anthony Trollope was a novelist from England, who lived in the 19th century and is considered as one of the most famous novelists of the Victorian Era. He studied at Harrow and then at Winchester College, two of the finest public schools in England, but since his parents did not have much money in spite of their privileged background, he was often bullied. It was at school that Trollope started thinking about plot lines of stories. After working in Belgium as a member of the Austrian army and then as a purveyor clerk in Ireland, Trollope started working as a novelist. One of Trollope’s most famous works is the ‘Chronicles of Barsetshire’, which is actually a collection of novels about the events in the fictional county called Barsetshire. He found success as an author almost immediately, and after working in Ireland for some years he went back to England. Some of his other notable works include ‘The Three Clerks’, ‘Castle Richmond’ and ‘Framley Parsonage’ among others to firmly establish himself in the London literary network. Trollope’s work, thoughts and writings are still read widely. Here are some of the most profound quotes from the life, times and works of Anthony Trollope that you would surely enjoy. 
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A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules.

A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules.

Anthony Trollope
What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book, and a cup of coffee?...Was ever anything so civil?

What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book, and a cup of coffee?...Was ever anything so civil?

Anthony Trollope
That I can read and be happy while I am reading, is a great blessing.

That I can read and be happy while I am reading, is a great blessing.

Anthony Trollope
Nobody holds a good opinion of a man who holds a low opinion of himself.

Nobody holds a good opinion of a man who holds a low opinion of himself.

Anthony Trollope
Don't let love interfere with your appetite. It never does with mine.

Don't let love interfere with your appetite. It never does with mine.

Anthony Trollope
To have her meals, and her daily walk, and her fill of novels, and to be left alone, was all that she asked of the gods.

To have her meals, and her daily walk, and her fill of novels, and to be left alone, was all that she asked of the gods.

Anthony Trollope
The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade.

The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade.

Anthony Trollope
She was as one who, in madness, was resolute to throw herself from a precipice, but to whom some remnant of sanity remained which forced her to seek those who would save her from herself.

She was as one who, in madness, was resolute to throw herself from a precipice, but to whom some remnant of sanity remained which forced her to seek those who would save her from herself.

Anthony Trollope
And, above all things, never think that you're not good enough yourself. A man should never think that. My belief is that in life people will take you very much at your own reckoning.

And, above all things, never think that you're not good enough yourself. A man should never think that. My belief is that in life people will take you very much at your own reckoning.

Anthony Trollope
There is no happiness in love, except at the end of an English novel.

There is no happiness in love, except at the end of an English novel.

Anthony Trollope
Love is like any other luxury. You have no right to it unless you can afford it.

Love is like any other luxury. You have no right to it unless you can afford it.

Anthony Trollope
Of all needs a book has, 
the chief need is to be readable.

Of all needs a book has, the chief need is to be readable.

Anthony Trollope
Above all else, never think you're not good enough.

Above all else, never think you're not good enough.

Anthony Trollope
There is no way of writing well and also of writing easily.

There is no way of writing well and also of writing easily.

Anthony Trollope
Words spoken cannot be recalled, and many a man and many a woman who has spoken a word at once regretted, are far too proud to express that regret.

Words spoken cannot be recalled, and many a man and many a woman who has spoken a word at once regretted, are far too proud to express that regret.

Anthony Trollope
Till we can become divine, we must be content to be human, lest in our hurry for change we sink to something lower.

Till we can become divine, we must be content to be human, lest in our hurry for change we sink to something lower.

Anthony Trollope
I am not fit to marry. I am often cross, and I like my own way, and I have a distaste for men.

I am not fit to marry. I am often cross, and I like my own way, and I have a distaste for men.

Anthony Trollope
Book love... is your pass to the greatest, the purest, and the most perfect pleasure that God has prepared for His creatures.

Book love... is your pass to the greatest, the purest, and the most perfect pleasure that God has prepared for His creatures.

Anthony Trollope
One can only pour out of a jug that which is in it.

One can only pour out of a jug that which is in it.

Anthony Trollope
Romance is very pretty in novels, but the romance of a life is always a melancholy matter. They are most happy who have no story to tell.

Romance is very pretty in novels, but the romance of a life is always a melancholy matter. They are most happy who have no story to tell.

Anthony Trollope
Who would ever think of learning to live out of an English novel?

Who would ever think of learning to live out of an English novel?

Anthony Trollope
It is no good any longer having any opinion upon anything...

It is no good any longer having any opinion upon anything...

Anthony Trollope
In this world things are beautiful only because they are not quite seen, or not perfectly understood. Poetry is precious chiefly because it suggests more than it declares.

In this world things are beautiful only because they are not quite seen, or not perfectly understood. Poetry is precious chiefly because it suggests more than it declares.

Anthony Trollope
The Church of England is the only church in the world that interferes neither with your politics nor your religion

The Church of England is the only church in the world that interferes neither with your politics nor your religion

Anthony Trollope
Did you ever know a poor man made better by law or a lawyer!' said Bunce bitterly.

Did you ever know a poor man made better by law or a lawyer!' said Bunce bitterly.

Anthony Trollope
For there is no folly so great as keeping one's sorrows hidden.

For there is no folly so great as keeping one's sorrows hidden.

Anthony Trollope
The persons whom you cannot care for in a novel, because they are so bad, are the very same that you so dearly love in your life, because they are so good.

The persons whom you cannot care for in a novel, because they are so bad, are the very same that you so dearly love in your life, because they are so good.

Anthony Trollope
When a man gets into his head an idea that the public voice calls for him, it is astonishing how great becomes his trust in the wisdom of the public.

When a man gets into his head an idea that the public voice calls for him, it is astonishing how great becomes his trust in the wisdom of the public.

Anthony Trollope
I like to have a plan,

I like to have a plan," said Mr. Palliser. "And so do I," said his wife,--"if only for the sake of not keeping it.

Anthony Trollope
You shall be my pet, and my poppet, and my dearest little duck all the days of your life.

You shall be my pet, and my poppet, and my dearest little duck all the days of your life.

Anthony Trollope