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100 Thought-Provoking Quotes By Anne Lamott That Will Make You Tick

Famous As: Writer, Novelist
Born On: 1954
Born In: San Francisco
Age: 70 Years
Anne Lamott is an acclaimed American non-fiction writer and novelist. She is also renowned as a political activist, teacher and public speaker. She attended Drew School and then studied for a while at Goucher College, but she did not complete her degree. She started writing for a newspaper while she was still at Goucher College and realized that her true calling was in writing. Most of the her works have been inspired from personal experiences and have touched subjects like single parenthood, alcohol dependence, experiences with Christianity and depression. Most of her political activities are rooted in progressive issues and she is counted among the most influential activists in the United States. In addition to being a political activist, Anne Lamott is also a public speaker and is known to make several public appearances in a year to express her thoughts and views on causes close to her heart. Read on the compilation of some notable and inspiring quotes and thoughts by Anne Lamott that are sure to win your heart.
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Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.

Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.

Anne Lamott
Joy is the best makeup.

Joy is the best makeup.

Anne Lamott
You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.

You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.

Anne Lamott
Forgiveness is giving up all hope of having had a better past.

Forgiveness is giving up all hope of having had a better past.

Anne Lamott
I do not understand the mystery of grace -- only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.

I do not understand the mystery of grace -- only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.

Anne Lamott
You can either practice being right or practice being kind.

You can either practice being right or practice being kind.

Anne Lamott
Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die.

Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die.

Anne Lamott
I thought such awful thoughts that I cannot even say them out loud because they would make Jesus want to drink gin straight out of the cat dish.

I thought such awful thoughts that I cannot even say them out loud because they would make Jesus want to drink gin straight out of the cat dish.

Anne Lamott
You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.

You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.

Anne Lamott
A good marriage is where both people feel like they're getting the better end of the deal.

A good marriage is where both people feel like they're getting the better end of the deal.

Anne Lamott
I don't remember who said this, but there really are places in the heart you don't even know exist until you love a child.

I don't remember who said this, but there really are places in the heart you don't even know exist until you love a child.

Anne Lamott
Hope is not about proving anything. It's about choosing to believe this one thing, that love is bigger than any grim, bleak shit anyone can throw at us.

Hope is not about proving anything. It's about choosing to believe this one thing, that love is bigger than any grim, bleak shit anyone can throw at us.

Anne Lamott
It's good to do uncomfortable things. It's weight training for life.

It's good to do uncomfortable things. It's weight training for life.

Anne Lamott
You can get the monkey off your back, but the circus never leaves town

You can get the monkey off your back, but the circus never leaves town

Anne Lamott
Laughter is carbonated holiness.

Laughter is carbonated holiness.

Anne Lamott
When God is going to do something wonderful, He or She always starts with a hardship; when God is going to do something amazing, He or She starts with an impossibility.

When God is going to do something wonderful, He or She always starts with a hardship; when God is going to do something amazing, He or She starts with an impossibility.

Anne Lamott

No" is a complete sentence.

Anne Lamott
My mind is a neighborhood I try not to go into alone.

My mind is a neighborhood I try not to go into alone.

Anne Lamott
Expectations are resentments under construction.

Expectations are resentments under construction.

Anne Lamott
Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere.

Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere.

Anne Lamott
I am all the ages I've ever been.

I am all the ages I've ever been.

Anne Lamott
Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue

Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue

Anne Lamott
Forgiveness means it finally becomes unimportant that you hit back.

Forgiveness means it finally becomes unimportant that you hit back.

Anne Lamott
The difference between you and God is that God doesn't think He's you.

The difference between you and God is that God doesn't think He's you.

Anne Lamott
Because this business of becoming conscious, of being a writer, is ultimately about asking yourself, How alive am I willing to be?

Because this business of becoming conscious, of being a writer, is ultimately about asking yourself, How alive am I willing to be?

Anne Lamott
The road to enlightenment is long and difficult, and you should try not to forget snacks and magazines.

The road to enlightenment is long and difficult, and you should try not to forget snacks and magazines.

Anne Lamott
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up.

Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up.

Anne Lamott
She said to go ahead and feel the feelings. I did. They felt like shit.

She said to go ahead and feel the feelings. I did. They felt like shit.

Anne Lamott
My heart was broken and my head was just barely inhabitable

My heart was broken and my head was just barely inhabitable

Anne Lamott
You don't always have to chop with the sword of truth. You can point with it too.

You don't always have to chop with the sword of truth. You can point with it too.

Anne Lamott