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19 Great Quotes By Andrew Lang That Will Make You Smile In Reminiscence

Famous As: Poet, Novelist, Literary Critic
Born On: 1844
Died On: 1912
Born In: Selkirk
Died At Age: 68
Andrew Lang was a Scottish writer, poet, contributor to the field of anthropology and a literary critic famous for publishing a collection of folk and fairy tales. His childhood interest in writing backed by his prolific writing skills soon made him a published poet followed by great popularity as a writer. He wrote many columns and articles for some renowned newspapers and magazines like ‘The Daily Post’ and the ‘Time’ magazine. He further worked significantly as a historian and published various books on folklore, mythology, and religion including ‘Myth, Ritual, and Religion’. During this time he noticed that folk stories and fairy tales were losing popularity as they had been termed as harmful by some educationalists. He took it as a challenge and collected traditional stories by renowned writers from all over the world and published it in a book titled ‘‘The Blue Fairy Book’’. He received great appreciation for this book and was encouraged to publish more books in the series. It is an irony that a skilled writer was known for publishing stories he didn’t author. He was awarded the ‘Doctorates in Classics’ by a couple of universities including ‘Oxford University’. We have compiled some famous thoughts and quotes by Andrew Lang which have been extracted from the vast sea of his writings, poems, books and life. Go through the renowned quotations and sayings by Andrew Lang that will in a way help you revisit your fairyland.
He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... for support rather than illumination.

He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... for support rather than illumination.

Andrew Lang
You can cover a great deal of country in books.

You can cover a great deal of country in books.

Andrew Lang
...remember that the danger that is most to be feared is never the danger we are most afraid of.

...remember that the danger that is most to be feared is never the danger we are most afraid of.

Andrew Lang
I fear nothing when I am doing right,' said Jack.
'Then,' said the lady in the red cap, 'you are one of those who slay giants.

I fear nothing when I am doing right,' said Jack. 'Then,' said the lady in the red cap, 'you are one of those who slay giants.

Andrew Lang
Letters from the first were planned to guide us into Fairy Land.

Letters from the first were planned to guide us into Fairy Land.

Andrew Lang
...she has been bewitched by a wicked sorceress, and will not regain her beauty until she is my wife.'
'Does she say so? Well if you believe that you may drink cold water and think it bacon'.

...she has been bewitched by a wicked sorceress, and will not regain her beauty until she is my wife.' 'Does she say so? Well if you believe that you may drink cold water and think it bacon'.

Andrew Lang
It is so delightful to teach those one loves!

It is so delightful to teach those one loves!

Andrew Lang
So labour at your Alphabet,
For by that learning shall you get
To lands where Fairies may be met.

So labour at your Alphabet, For by that learning shall you get To lands where Fairies may be met.

Andrew Lang
Here stand my books, line upon line
They reach the roof, and row by row,
They speak of faded tastes of mine,
And things I did, but do not, know.

Here stand my books, line upon line They reach the roof, and row by row, They speak of faded tastes of mine, And things I did, but do not, know.

Andrew Lang
When the old king saw this he foamed with rage, stared wildly about, flung himself on the ground and died.

When the old king saw this he foamed with rage, stared wildly about, flung himself on the ground and died.

Andrew Lang
Go, my dear, and see how thy grandmamma does, for I hear she has been very ill; carry her a custard, and this little pot of butter.

Go, my dear, and see how thy grandmamma does, for I hear she has been very ill; carry her a custard, and this little pot of butter.

Andrew Lang
Indeed it is impossible to set limits to such coincidence, for it would indeed be extraordinary if extraordinary coincidences never occurred.

Indeed it is impossible to set limits to such coincidence, for it would indeed be extraordinary if extraordinary coincidences never occurred.

Andrew Lang
Esther could only eat “a small piece of bread and butter, and a large green pickle”.  She recovered slightly, in spite of the pickle,

Esther could only eat “a small piece of bread and butter, and a large green pickle”.  She recovered slightly, in spite of the pickle,

Andrew Lang
For, as I told you, Good deeds bear their own fruit!

For, as I told you, Good deeds bear their own fruit!

Andrew Lang
The idiot Scotch laird in the story would not let the dentist put his fingers into his mouth, “for I’m feared ye’ll bite me”. 

The idiot Scotch laird in the story would not let the dentist put his fingers into his mouth, “for I’m feared ye’ll bite me”. 

Andrew Lang
This Mr. Harte died on 15th May, 1745, and missed many events of interest by doing so. 

This Mr. Harte died on 15th May, 1745, and missed many events of interest by doing so. 

Andrew Lang
But we once had some, we white men, in one of the islands.  Not the Oui-ouis” (native name for the French), “real white men. 

But we once had some, we white men, in one of the islands.  Not the Oui-ouis” (native name for the French), “real white men. 

Andrew Lang
Get away out of my country at once, and for ever, miserable creature, lest I take your life, and so rid myself of your malice.

Get away out of my country at once, and for ever, miserable creature, lest I take your life, and so rid myself of your malice.

Andrew Lang
Handing her the feather of the blue falcon, which she held by the tip and gazed at

Handing her the feather of the blue falcon, which she held by the tip and gazed at

Andrew Lang