Andre Jules Dubus II, renowned as Andre Dubus was an American essayist, short story writer, and an autobiographer. Despite writing a few novels, Andre liked only to be known as a short story writer. ‘Ploughshares’ and ‘Sewanee Review’ are the two small literary journals in which he published his work throughout his career. Voices from the Moon’ , ‘The Last Worthless Evening’, ‘Separate Flights’, ‘Adultery and Other Choices’, ‘Finding a Girl in America’, ‘ The Times Are Never So Bad’ and ‘Adultery and Other Choices’ are some of his collected works. ‘The Lieutenant’ was the first work he published. ‘Selected Stories’, a book which was published in 1988 helped him in winning ‘MacArthur Award’. His fiction ‘Dancing After Hours’ was categorized in the final list for a ‘National Book Critics Award’ and he even won ‘Rea Award’ for the same. We have gathered few of his quotes and thoughts that would encourage the writer in you. Take a look at the renowned quotations and sayings by Andre Dubus which have been excerpted from his writings, books, thoughts, essays, journals, work and life. Here is a collection of quotes and thoughts by Andre Dubus on stories, book, truth, reading, quit, perseverance, writing, love, pain, art, passion, neglect, hope and fear.