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24 Powerful Quotes By Alva Myrdal

Famous As: Swedish Politician and Sociologist & Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1982
Born On: 1902
Died On: 1986
Born In: Uppsala, Sweden
Died At Age: 84
Alva Myrdal was a Swedish sociologist, politician, and diplomat. She played an important role in the disarmament movement and received the Nobel Peace Prize, along with Alfonso Garcia Robles, in 1982. She was married to the famous Swedish economist, sociologist and politician, Gunnar Myrdal. She shared her views and thoughts on a wide range of topics, including disarmament, war, peace, cooperation, nuclear weapons, civilization, society, military, government, people, country, violence, etc. We have curated some of her most famous quotes from her speeches, writings, lectures, interviews, etc.
If only the authorities could be made to realize that the forces leading them on in the armament race are just insane.

If only the authorities could be made to realize that the forces leading them on in the armament race are just insane.

Alva Myrdal
Marriage, home life, and children, ought to be enjoyed by men and women together. Nobody - and least of all the child - is served by the present tendency to put these things all on one side as 'Woman's World.

Marriage, home life, and children, ought to be enjoyed by men and women together. Nobody - and least of all the child - is served by the present tendency to put these things all on one side as 'Woman's World.

Alva Myrdal
Though it is fairly easy to describe what constitutes a bad home, there is no simple definition of a good one. Conformity with the traditional pattern certainly is no guarantee of the happiest results.

Though it is fairly easy to describe what constitutes a bad home, there is no simple definition of a good one. Conformity with the traditional pattern certainly is no guarantee of the happiest results.

Alva Myrdal
First and foremost arms are tools in the service of rival nations, pointing at the possibility of a future war.

First and foremost arms are tools in the service of rival nations, pointing at the possibility of a future war.

Alva Myrdal
My personal philosophy of life is one of ethics

My personal philosophy of life is one of ethics

Alva Myrdal
I agree with the many who consider freezing all sorts of weapons systems a first step in a realistic disarmament policy.

I agree with the many who consider freezing all sorts of weapons systems a first step in a realistic disarmament policy.

Alva Myrdal
War and preparations for war have acquired a kind of legitimacy.

War and preparations for war have acquired a kind of legitimacy.

Alva Myrdal
The smaller nations can in fact exercise greater influence on disarmament negotiations than they have hitherto done.

The smaller nations can in fact exercise greater influence on disarmament negotiations than they have hitherto done.

Alva Myrdal
As a group, housewives to-day suffer more from social isolation and loss of purpose than any other social group, except, perhaps, the old.

As a group, housewives to-day suffer more from social isolation and loss of purpose than any other social group, except, perhaps, the old.

Alva Myrdal
There is a cultural factor promoting violence which nowadays undoubtedly is highly effective is the mass media. And particularly everything that enters our minds through pictorial media.

There is a cultural factor promoting violence which nowadays undoubtedly is highly effective is the mass media. And particularly everything that enters our minds through pictorial media.

Alva Myrdal
The misconception that a victory can be worth its price, has in the nuclear age become a total illusion.

The misconception that a victory can be worth its price, has in the nuclear age become a total illusion.

Alva Myrdal
More must be done in concrete terms in order to promote the cause of disarmament.

More must be done in concrete terms in order to promote the cause of disarmament.

Alva Myrdal
It is of the greatest importance that people and governments in many more countries than ours should realize that it is more dangerous to have access to nuclear arms than not to possess them.

It is of the greatest importance that people and governments in many more countries than ours should realize that it is more dangerous to have access to nuclear arms than not to possess them.

Alva Myrdal
It's not worthy o human beings to give up.

It's not worthy o human beings to give up.

Alva Myrdal
The age in which we live can only be characterized as one of barbarism. Our civilization is in the process not only of being militarized, but also being brutalized.

The age in which we live can only be characterized as one of barbarism. Our civilization is in the process not only of being militarized, but also being brutalized.

Alva Myrdal
All mankind is now learning that these nuclear weapons can only serve to destroy, never become beneficial.

All mankind is now learning that these nuclear weapons can only serve to destroy, never become beneficial.

Alva Myrdal
We can hope that men will understand that the interest of all are the same, that hope lies in cooperation. We can then perhaps keep PEACE.

We can hope that men will understand that the interest of all are the same, that hope lies in cooperation. We can then perhaps keep PEACE.

Alva Myrdal

If they [women] are to be integrated more fully into our society than has been the case so far, changes in individual attitudes of both men and women, adjustments in the labor market, and action by public authorities, will all be necessary.

Alva Myrdal

War is murder. And the military preparations now being made for a potential major confrontation are aimed at collective murder. In a nuclear age the victims would be numbered by the millions. This naked truth must be faced.

Alva Myrdal

Because war and preparations for war have acquired legitimacy, and because of the tremendous proliferation of arms through production and export, so that they are now available more or less to all and sundry, right down to handguns and stilettos, the cult of violence has by now so permeated relations between people that we are compelled to witness as well an increase in everyday violence.

Alva Myrdal

The patriarchal family, with its division of functions between a providing and protective father and a home-making, submissive mother, however satisfactory it may have been in its time, has outlived its day. Bread-winning is no longer a monopoly of men, and home-making should no longer be the monopoly of women.

Alva Myrdal
I have, despite all disillusionment, never, never allowed myself to feel like giving up. This is my message today; it is not worthy of a human being to give up.

I have, despite all disillusionment, never, never allowed myself to feel like giving up. This is my message today; it is not worthy of a human being to give up.

Alva Myrdal

The issue of comparative performances can be regarded as settled to-day, both scientifically and practically. Though differences in attitudes between men and women still form a favorite topic of drawing-room conversation ... women's abilities are no longer seriously in doubt. These discussions rather seem to be a kind of rearguard action carried on after the main battle has been decided.

Alva Myrdal

The world generally speaking is now drifting on a more and more devastating course towards the absurd target of extermination - or rather, to be more exact - of the northern hemisphere's towns, fields, and the people who have developed our civilization.

Alva Myrdal